Browse upcoming events, meetings and shows where United Technical will be displaying, speaking or attending.
Find out where we will be located, what talks we will be giving or other specific information on the event detail page by clicking "Read More" and feel free to contact us to set up a time to meet or suggest we attend a show.

AeroOne Expo
September 5, 2023
Aerospace Industry Association of Michigan
United Technical will be displaying in booth 1B right outside the entrance to the main ballroom at the Detroit Marriott at the Renaissance Center, participating in the Industry Roundtable sessions and the opening reception.
Top global aircraft manufacturers, some of the largest Tier 1’s in the industry, and prominent market analysts will share how future trends will affect your business.
Enjoy great networking opportunities, including a Welcome Reception on the unforgettable 72nd floor of the Renaissance Center.

September 11, 2023
AWS, PMA, FMA & more
North America’s Largest Metal Forming, Fabricating, Welding and Finishing Event FABTECH returns to Chicago and provides a convenient ‘one-stop shop’ where you can meet with 1,500+ world-class suppliers, discover innovative solutions, and find the tools to improve productivity and increase profits. There is no better opportunity to network, share knowledge and explore the latest technology. Gain insights into industry trends that will help you prepare for what’s ahead.
The United Technical team will be accepting the AWS WEMCO Excellence In Welding award for 2023 in the Small Business category and walking the show.

Titanium USA
October 1, 2023
International Titanium Association
United Technical will be displaying at a table in the Gaylord of the Rockies Resort in Denver this year.
Presentations will host a variety of topics including world titanium supply & demand trends; additive manufacturing; safety, commercial aerospace; medical, manufacturing techniques, and topics dedicated to global industrial markets.

Welding Automation Expo & Conference
October 10, 2023
American Welding Society
The United Technical team will be in attendance throughout the conference and available to talk about automated welding support via our Welding Technical Coordinator Apprentice program.
WAEC is a conference to explore automated technologies for any welding operation.
This 2.5-day event event is packed full with workshops, presentations and panel discussions from industry pioneers from Matheson, FANUC, Vectis and more talking about what is required to successfully design, install and run automated welding systems.
Conference participants will gain a better understanding of what is required to successfully design, install and run automated welding systems, including hard automation, traditional robots and COBOTS.

October 16, 2023
American Society for Metals
Come visit United Technical in booth #1517 at IMAT 2023!
IMAT features 3.5 days of technical programming on the following key topics in emerging technology areas:
•Additive Manufacturing
•Alpha Sigma Mu Distinguished Lecturer
•Archaeometallurgy and Ancient Metalworking
•ASM-TMS Distinguished Lecturer
•Characterization of Materials and Microstructure through Metallography, Image Analysis and Mechanical Testing
•Emerging Technologies
•Failure Analysis
•Functional Materials and Structures – Solving Barriers to Adoption
•Joining of Advance and Specialty Materials (JASM XXII)
•Materials Behavior & Characterization
•Materials for Energy & Utilities
•Metals, Ceramics and Composite Materials
•Perspectives for Emerging Professionals
•Processing and Applications
•PSDK XVIII: Phase •Stability and Diffusion Kinetics
•Sustainable Materials & Processes
•Thermal Spray & Surface Engineering Forum

Automotive Testing Expo
October 24, 2023
UKI Media & Events
United Technical will be in booth #10042, come see us!
The Automotive Testing Expo is the world’s leading international show for every aspect of automotive testing, development and validation technologies.
In America, as elsewhere, it is the leading event for the technologies and services in ADAS and autonomous vehicle testing, electric and hybrid powertrain testing, battery and range testing, EMI and NVH test and analysis and the full spectrum of test and validation technologies for full-vehicle, component and systems development.