American Society for Metals
October 16, 2023
Come visit United Technical in booth #1517 at IMAT 2023!
IMAT features 3.5 days of technical programming on the following key topics in emerging technology areas:
•Additive Manufacturing
•Alpha Sigma Mu Distinguished Lecturer
•Archaeometallurgy and Ancient Metalworking
•ASM-TMS Distinguished Lecturer
•Characterization of Materials and Microstructure through Metallography, Image Analysis and Mechanical Testing
•Emerging Technologies
•Failure Analysis
•Functional Materials and Structures – Solving Barriers to Adoption
•Joining of Advance and Specialty Materials (JASM XXII)
•Materials Behavior & Characterization
•Materials for Energy & Utilities
•Metals, Ceramics and Composite Materials
•Perspectives for Emerging Professionals
•Processing and Applications
•PSDK XVIII: Phase •Stability and Diffusion Kinetics
•Sustainable Materials & Processes
•Thermal Spray & Surface Engineering Forum